THE 2025 SCSF TO BE HELD ON MARCH 6 to 7 at Del Tech Owens Campus**
Dear Teachers, Parents, and Mentors
Welcome back for the 2024 - 2025 school year. We are pleased to
announce the schedule for the Sussex County Science Fair. It will be held on
March 7, 2025 at the Owens campus of Delaware Technical and Community
College in Georgetown. Set up will be held on March 6 between 3:00 and 7:00
pm. Since there may not be a fair in Kent County this year, students in
southern Kent county are welcome to participate. All students in grades 6
through 12 are eligible to participate.
Participation in science fair requires that students carry out a research
project in science, engineering, or math. They do preliminary research, keep an
experimental journal, carry out the project, and write a paper about it. The
culmination is a poster describing the project and an oral defense to a minimum
of two professional judges. Participation is a profound learning experience and a
great addition to any student’s resume.
Students who place in the Sussex County Fair are eligible to participate in
the Delaware Valley Science Fairs, the regional pipeline to the International
Science and Engineering Fair.
We would like to make things easier for you; so mentors from the
Science Fair committee will come to your school or classroom and work with
you and your students if you wish. Students working on projects for other
competitions such as robotics, TSA, or Ag science fair may be eligible to use
these projects in the science fair, as well. Projects begun in the spring of 2024
may be submitted for the 2025 fair.
Free workshops for teachers and or students are available through
Delaware Valley Science Fairs.
Please see the attached documents for more information, check out our
website at http://www.sussexcountysciencefair.org, or contact me at
hgieske@verizon.net for additional information.
Helen E. Gieske
Co-chair Sussex county Science Fair
The 2025 Sussex County Science Fair Timeline
November 15, 2024:
Please let us know if you have students who plan to participate
November 29, 2024:
Please submit paperwork for all projects requiring prior approval before beginning experimental work.
Projects requiring prior approval include those involving Human Subjects, Vertebrate Animals, Hazardous Chemicals and Biologics
January 10, 2025:
Please submit the Sussex County Science Fair entry form 2025 for all who plan to participate.They may be mailed to our US Post Office Box (PO Box 570 Nassau, DE 19969).
February 7, 2025
Please submit all ISEF forms for participating projects. (See REGISTRATION FORMS/Blank Forms.)
Please check all submitted forms for completeness including any and all required signatures before submitting and only use forms dated 2024-2025 not forms from prior years.
March 6, 2025**:
Projects will be set up at Del Tech Owens Campus between 3:00 and 7:00 pm.
March ,7 2024**:
Projects will be judged. Students should arrive by 10:00 am to meet with the judges. Lunch will be served at 11:30. Awards will be distributed at a ceremony beginning at 12:45 pm and ending by 2:00 pm.
April 2025:
Delaware Valley Science Fair
Each year the timeline is sent to the contact person in each participating school as well as being posted on the SCSF Website!